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“…ANd AboVe all,
WatCh wIth glitteriNg EYeS
ThE Whole WoRld aroUnd YoU
BEcaUSe tHe greatESt SecretS
are aLwaYS HiddEn
In tHe MoSt Unlikely PLaCes.
tHoSe wHo DoN't BelieVe In MagiC
Will NeVeR Find It…”
-RoaLd DahL
Get in touch
Please include the following information in your message.
-type of session you are inquiring about
-desired date and time of session
-the number of people to be involved in the session
I accept CASH (paid at time of session) & PayPal (paid before session) ONLY! I do have payment plans available, but such must be discussed before your session.
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